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Monday, 24 March 2014

MH370 will be forever remembered

Hi everyone.

Malaysian PM says MH370 lost, no survivors.

Summary The airline has contacted the families of passengers and crew to inform them of the development. Mr Najib (PM) said new evidence showed MH370 flew along the southern search corridor and its last position was in the middle of the Indian Ocean. "It is therefore with deep sadness and regret that I must inform you that in light of this new data, MH370 flight ended in the southern Indian Ocean," he said.

When we have lost someone we love, we must learn not to live without them, but to live WITH ALL THEIR LOVE they have left behind. My heart goes out to all the families & friends the passengers and crew have left behind.
We feel a sadness that sometimes we do not know quite how to overcome. May all the MH370 victims families & friends have the strength to handle the situation.
MH370 will be forever remembered.

:: MH370 Passengers & Crew ::

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

La Tahzan Innallaha Ma’ana

How was your day? well i hope we all doing great, feeling well. Alhamdulillah.

One of my favourite verses from the Qur’an. That always calms me down no matter what.

“La Tahzan Innallaha Ma’ana”
Don’t be sad indeed, Allah is with us.
I pray that we benefit from the words that follow and they bring some peace to our heart and thoughts.
Dear My Self
I may not know what you are going through but I understand that life has been hard. We have a lot of questions running through our mind right now about our life and why things are the way they are.  I may not have the answers to those questions but I hope that my words may help you in some way or the other, if Allah wills.
Firstly, did you know that for every pain that you have been going through, a few of your sins are being expiated?
“No calamity befalls a Muslim but that Allah expiates some of his sins because of it, even though it were the prick he receives from a thorn.”
Yes, we heard that right.. even if a thorn pricks us, our sins are being cleansed. So, imagine how many of our sins might have already been expiated because of the pain we have been going through all along! SubhanAllah!
Allah knows that we are hurt, He sees and He never does any injustice.. that’s why, for every calamity that befalls us, He gives us something good in return!
Put our trust in Allah! And know that even though today the world is not on your side, you are not alone. Allah (subhaana wa ta’aala) is watching over us and He WILL give us our due right! He will replace the sad days with the happy ones. Trust Him..
He is our creator.. and He has the knowledge of the unseen. He can see what we can’t and He knows what’s best for us..
“But it may happen that you hate a thing which is good for you, and it may happen that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows, you know not.” (Surah Al Baqara 2:216)
So, know that whatever is happening right now will eventually lead to something good. I know today all we can see is the downside of it.. but tomorrow we will smile and say Alhumdulillah for it! Because.. Allah LOVES us.. and He knows what is best for us.. So seek refuge in Allah..
“Allah does not burden a soul beyond that which it can bear”

Quran (Surah Al Baqarah 2:286).

So if today there is something that’s happening which is burdening our soul, remember Allah knows our capability better than us, and so BELIEVE that we can and will survive through this situation we are in today because Allah says so, and Allah knows best right?!
It could also be that Allah sent away all those people in your life, so that there could be just you and Him!
So, wipe away those tears. Take out your prayer mat, sit down, raise your hands, cry if have to and tell Allah EVERYTHING that’s on our mind and heart. It’s not that Allah does not know, but do it so that it decreases the load that you have been carrying in your heart all along!
I pray that Allah rewards us every breath we take at this time of difficulty and He relieves us of the pain soon.
So smile 
“Don’t be sad, Allah is with us!”
I am nowhere near a perfect Muslimah. I still have so much to learn and I want to keep on learning. Every day I ask myself, "How far are you from Jannah?".
I'm a Muslim, Islam is perfect but I am not.

Monday, 17 March 2014

TALK behind my back!


Hi everyone, hope we all doing just fine, Alhamdulillah.
Don't forget to pray for their safety of Passenger/Pilot/Crew MH370 and comeback to us safely.. Hopefully they are at peace and safety wherever they are..♥

Recently (but I won’t say how recently, to protect 'the innocent'), I found myself in that awkward situation of overhearing someone talking about me. In this case, they were critiquing something I had done, talking about how it made 'them' feel.

I can say with absolute certainty that one of the worst feelings in the world is finding out that someone has been talking about you behind your back. Whether spilling your secrets, spreading a false rumor or just complaining about you.

First i was embarrassed, I felt confused, then furiously angry because they were talking behind my back (spreading a false rumor about me), literally. It upset me and constantly replayed in my head.

I find it flattering and sad at the same time. Flattering that someone finds me interesting enough to make up a story about me, and sad that I’m so boring someone has to make up a story about me.

The best solution for me is, be a better person and just 'let it go'. If i were to confront them, it would only give them something to talk about. I have nothing to prove. So did they. Let that gossiper feel better about herself by 'spreading a false rumor about me' so they can then go back to their 'life' after done gossiping.

“News told, rumors heard, truth implied, facts buried.” 

The Prophet Muhammad once asked his followers, “Do you know what backbiting is?” They said, “Allah and His Messenger know best.” He continued, “Saying something about your brother that he dislikes.” Someone then asked, “What if what I say about my brother is true?” The Prophet Muhammad responded: “If what you say is true then you have backbitten about him, and if it is not true, then you have slandered him.”

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Why I Blog in English

Hi everyone, Lets start our day with the most positive attitude.

I find this quite frustrating that some people think i was showing off writing this blog in English?!

when i was student, I did not pay more attention to my English teacher since I was not required to deal with other language then Malay. However, as soon as I started to work, I find out the complexity of my problem. In fact, I could not communicate fluently in English. Sometimes, I fell like my brain does not communicate well with my mouth (lol). Before, i engage myself in speech, I know exactly what i have to say but I always communicate my speech in disorder. as a result, I get frustrated and sometimes i get this "judgmental look" consider me as "Laughing-stock".

I don't understand why speaking is so hard for me when in the other side I was good in writing it.

If i have a job interview that require me to speak in English. I prepared well the questions. However, I completely failed because i got lost in the middle of the interview.

Speaking is not easy for me, and I am really struggling with it.

I'm aware that I'm embarrassing myself right now, well i don't care.

People keep telling me to be confident and practice more. some of them tell me to stand before a mirror, look at myself and talk to myself. Well....... It seems quite awkward to do, Don't you think??

When I started this blog, I decided to write it in Malay but then i change my mind, I think that having a blog in English could really be a good way for me to improve my writing skills, also maybe can improve my confidence to speak in English.

I want to improve my personal English skills. Beside reading English books and watching my movies in English language, I start writing in English, to get better.

My friend say key to successfully communication in English is a simple, straight and understandable phrase. The fact, that I am not as good with speaking English as I am with speaking Malay, keeps me to stick to simplicity. Which on the other hand is a good training for becoming a better.

And you? Which other method would you know to improve your English for free, or with a small amount of money????????

I hope there will be no more misunderstandings here, I write in English so i can improve my English not for "SHOWING-OFF".

-I also writing to relieve stress-

TYVM for reading, dont forget to click nuffnang ads for me ;-)

"I'm Sorry i've been a crappy friend.. i've been busy being an awesome mom"

Hi, everyone 

"I'm Sorry i've been a crappy friend.. i've been busy being an awesome mom"
have u seen these phrase? 

Now you may be wondering if I’m trying broadcast that I’m an awesome mother, or a bad friend??
Well it depends who you ask?!
Maybe I’m both. Or neither.
It reminded me of the last conversation I had with one of my best friends, we promise to not let the time go by so quickly.
Over the past three years our phone calls have been more limited, the texts more sporadic, and the meetings once in a blue moon.
As much as I miss her, and love her and want to spend more time with her, I am OK with how things have gone and how things are going.

It doesn’t mean I don’t love my friends. I truly adore them, have fun with them, think of them often, and wish to spend time with them and talk more.

Maybe I will lose friends over being a bad friend because I put too much emphasis on being a mother and a wife. As sad as that makes me, I know that I need to be in the exact spot I am in right now.
I hope that my closest friends always know they are in my heart, thoughts and prayers (InsyaaAllah). I hope they know when they don’t hear from me it’s not them or something they have done, it just happens to be a particularly busy week.
There is a season for everything in life. Right now, my season is to be mothers.

If you are looking for a friend who is faultless, you will be friendless.
TYVM for readings, don't forget to click my nuffnang ads ;-)

I choose to be happy and grateful

Hi and Assalamualaikum

How are you guys?? well i hope you guys doing just fine. Alhamdulillah we are alive well 
and breathing perfectly fine.

I've been feeling so down lately and get easily mad at someone, I don't know why, Maybe it's hormones, or maybe i was just tired and stressed.

So i wrote this entries to keep reminding myself its just a bad day, not a bad life.

Happiness is not determined by what's happening around, but rather what's happening inside. Happiness is a choice we can choose to be sad when everything is going well for us and we can choose to be happy even when nothing seems right. To be happy at all times, we need to make happiness a habit and not just an act.

Be grateful we will never be able to count His blessings and list all the reasons for which we ought to be grateful.

Make somebody happy today. Making others happy is one of the best ways to have a great day yourself. It can brighten the world around you.
Give Sadaqah. Give lots of charity, as much as you can, because it helps push away hardship. And if you can’t give money, even kind words or physical sadaqah can do.

If you want some real retail therapy, help yourself by helping others. It has a direct effect on your brain that, in turn, makes you feel happier.

This life is a life of duality, there’s good and bad, justice and injustice, mercy and oppression, love and hate, truth and falsehood.. etc.. Our role in this life is to live our life according to how Allah SWT asked we to do, seeking His pleasure, avoiding His anger. And Allah SWT promises us in many places in the Quran, that if you do just that, He’ll give you a ‘good’ life.

Don't cry and feel sad for Allah will never leave you alone to suffer 

"La hawla wala quwwata illa billah" 

there is no power or strength except through 

Allah SWT

“Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear…”

I find that I’m far better at guiding people to manage their stress than I am at taking my own advice. I hope by writing this entries will help me to remember to practice what i have said. i hope so..

TYVM for readings, kindly help to click my nuffnang ads.