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Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Refletion of my husband and I ♥


..When I think about my son (MY thoughts)..

I love to think about all the silly things he say and do, he really make me laugh.. he surely can make my day.. I wonder what great plans ALLAH SWT has for him, I really can't picture him being all grown up..he is my world.. I love him so much and I THANK ALLAH SWT for that..

He brought so much joy and happiness to our life.. I think about how lucky I am to have him in my life. My kid are a blessing to me and my family.. I think about how goofy and how all the personalities are a direct refletion of my husband and I..

I think of how much my life has changed for the better.. It's not always a 'party' with them, but at the end of the day they are my life, and for those who know him, he is hilarious!! HaHaHa..

it brings a smile to my face.. I love every moment of being a mother and i cant imagine life without my son.. I will support him with any choices he makes in life and always stand by his side (Insyaallah).. I want my son to have everything he want and have the appreshiation for it at the same time..

every word he trys to attempt is cute but he's getting there with his words, i know sometimes times get tough for him but i know in the end he can get through it without any hassles..

I learn everyday through him and i am overwhelmed with emotions from loving him so much.. He inspires me to learn again.. He inspires me to be strong.. He inspires me to be young, and He has given us Hope for the future.. There have been many days of challenges and when I look into his eyes it gives me strength to work hard for him.. I hope he will grow up as responsible and hard working adults and he will never take advantage of other.. I hope he will respect others.. And mostly I hope he will stay healthy and strong and are able to enjoy life..

I cant believe how fast he is growing up, and how independent he is now and that someday he wont need me no more!! That makes me soooo sad.. 

"so this it true love"


Muhammad Ammar Hail Ibu hope you know how much ibu and abah love you (i even cry writing this) T_T

“What i Like about Photography is that it takes moments that should have been forgotten, and just Freezes them, and allows us to share it with everyone and share it with future generations.. But theirs is also the sense of Secrets of the picture, or the stuff you don’t know, or don’t see.. You don’t really know what happened before or after a picture it's like time is just frozen in that moment..” 


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