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Thursday, 28 August 2014

An open Letter to my son ♥ Muhammad Ammar Hail ♥ [PART 1]

♥ Assalamualaikum ♥

hai, everyone. i hope we all start our day with grateful heart ♥

My TRUE TALE for today is a bit unique. It involves me writing a letter to my son, and i hope someday he will read it.

Inspired mostly by the fact that I am tired of encountering people who act like they know more than everyone else, like they are worth more than everyone else and like everyone else should feel lucky to be in their presence, I'm sharing a letter that I wrote to my son on the kind of men I expect them to be.

Assalamualaikum Muhammad Ammar Hail,

     I may not have been a perfect mom, but I tried to be. I may not have disciplined you enough, or maybe I disciplined you too much. I don’t really know. I fed you and bathed you and clothed you. I bought you toys. I sang to you, read to you, taught you. You were my boy, my precious, baby boy. I got up with you. I stroked your forehead and hair when you were sick. I knew you were not feeling well, because you let me do these things. You were never very cuddly. I keep you warm. I stared at you for days, after you were born. I didn’t want to miss anything. I adored you. I kept you safe. I kept you clean. I soothed you when you cried. I let you stay up late and watch TV.

Do you know that you mean the world to me? I loved you from the moment I felt you inside my belly, flailing your tiny arms.

     I was watching you play last night with your Abah and I couldn't help  it.. all I could do was stare at you. You both bounced from one thing to the next with such purpose and at the same time with no care in the world. You made each other laugh, you watched TV, you snuggled on the couch with Abah. You ran in circles. You gave me hugs, you asked me something (Ammar, I can't understand all of your words yet.. but I'm certain you were saying something..).

     All I wanted to do was figure out how to keep you small, to keep you laughing, to keep you as free as you were.. and as you usually are. But, despite my best efforts, I can't do any of that.  

     I cannot stop you from growing up. I cannot promise you that your feelings won't get hurt, that your heart won't get broken, that you won't feel defeated and that you won't get knocked down a few times every now and then. I have spent a lot of time lately feeling totally defeated.. but that is because I have not been able to spend a lot of time with you.

     You, and your love for the world made me feel better. And while I can't do for your life what you do for mine, I can give you some words of wisdom that will hopefully help you be able to channel that inner happy that you so easily have right now. 

     Here, my little man, are some things I want you to know, some things I want you to do, and some feelings I want you to never forget..

     It's the only way I know how to help you remain in touch with the truly happy little beings we all get to start out as..

     You are going to come across people who only know how to knock you down. They may do so with lies or they may do it with ignorance.. or it may be a little bit of both. Be better than them. Do not let them make you question your worth, discount your efforts or flat out give up. Take credit when you deserve it, give credit when someone else deserves it and (very importantly) give credit to yourself when you deserve it. It's ok to think you are awesome.

     It's important that people can trust you. It takes lots of time to earn it and seconds to lose it.. and it is tough to gain that trust back. You are going to make mistakes. Some will be small and some will be jolting. Own them. Own them inwardly and outwardly. Become better for them. People will believe your achievements when they know you've owned your failures.

     Some days you will be able to do this better than others. And while I would like to say that I never went to bed angry, that has not been the case. Just don't hang on too long to things that are bothering you. If you aren't going to change them or if it is something you can't fix.. take a wudu' sit on your prayer mat, make a dua' to the almighty Allah SWT, take a deep breath and let it go. 

     If you are in a position of power, walk even more carefully than when you were at the bottom. Don't be the bully.. Do not make others feel less important than you. Do not demean others to make yourself feel better. You are better than that now and I expect you to remain that way.

     I'm not saying you have to love every minute of what you do. I'm saying if you find something, anything, whether it be a career or something you do on your own time, do something that makes you feel full..

     Say you are sorry when it is necessary.. And please, please, please.. do not always follow the "I'm sorry" with a "but.." Sometimes you just need to be sorry. 

     Be grateful. Tell people that you are. Say thank you for things, say thank you for words and say thank you for people. You need people. Thank to Allah SWT for every breath "he" gives you..

     You will say "I love you" more times than you will even realize.. And while it is an amazing thing to be surrounded by people to say that to, it is even more amazing to slow down and think about how awesome it truly is.

     Life is scary. Dreams are scary. Chances are scary. The dark is scary. Whatever the obstacle.. be brave. I don't believe the whole "good things comes easy" thing, but I do believe that some really awesome things are also just outside of your comfort zone. Go there. 

     You are not the person next to you, and what they have is not always better. Please do not compare your average day to other peoples' exceptional ones. They have average days too. You will never enjoy what you have if you are forever comparing yourself to someone who has more. It's ok to want more.. but want it for you, not because you want to be them.

     Pay bills on time and pay them always. Splurge after your bills are paid. You should feel guilty if you buy something before your bills are paid and your family is taken care of.

     You cannot do it alone, and the more you try, the more bitter you become. Ask for help. You need it and you, your co-workers and your family will be better because of it.

     Don't let job ruin your spirit or your soul. Work is work.. not life. It will drag you down, and it is your responsibility to not let that last too long.. And remember those people I told you to thank? Lean on them to remind you that you need to get up off of the ground, that you are better than this and that life outside of your job is what you are even doing this for in the first place. (Thank them).

     Do not use threats. I hope that goes without saying, but in case it doesn't.. threats won't get you anywhere worth going. There are ways to motivate and to get what you want out of the people in your life. Threats are not that way.

     Understand the power of your words. Your loving mother wants you to always know how much power you have if you have the ability to use your words wisely. 

     Actions can speak louder than words, and they usually do. It's cliche. And true.

     Be sympathetic. Be empathetic. Know the difference. Feel sorry for someone. Feel bad for someone. Feel angry for someone. Feel with someone. Sometimes you just need to listen and sometimes you need to relate. It is important to your relationships and friendships that you learn when each of these is appropriate. 

     Remember where you came from. Wherever you are, you worked to get there. Someone else is journeying down that path behind you. Never forget that you were once there too.

     See the good and be OK that it's not all always good. Whether it's a nice day outside or you just got a huge bonus. There is something good in every day. There are awful awful days, and there is something good somewhere in them. You don't have to find the good for a day or two, but don't spend too long turning a blind eye to it. You actually have to let the good back in, or you are in trouble.

     Understand the worth of folding laundry, washing dishes and knowing where the shoe closet is. Ask your dad. Ask your mom. Ask your wife. So many problems can be avoided by attention to these matters.

     Know how important it is to offer help to others. Don't push. But don't assume that everyone knows how to ask for help. Offer it up. People will be grateful. 

     Give a compliment and take a compliment. I'm bad at them both. It's not an attractive quality.

     Know how much I love you. I'm not sure you will possibly know until you have a little one of your own, but someday you will understand the true depth of my love for you.

     MOST IMPORTANT be a good muslim, let the Al-Quran be your life guidelines, NEVER EVER give up faith in Allah. be a good imam to your wife. be a good father to your children. 

"When a son of Adam passes away, he is cut off from his deeds except for three things: a current or perpetual charity, good knowledge that benefits someone, and a good child who makes dua' (supplication) for him."

It’s hard to summarize all of the lessons, all of the ideas, all of the thoughts that I might want to pass on. Life is short, and the years fly by. The sooner we find our groove, the nicer it is for each of us.

I love you, more than you can know now. By the time you do know, you’ll have your own lessons to teach.


Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Life balance as wife, mother, employee and student.

Haloo.. Haluu.. heloo..!

Yes, I know it's been a long long time i didn't update anything here. T_T

As a wife, mother, employee, and student at OUM, life can be very difficult.

Many times in person, I have been asked how I do it all.
The answer is simple: I schedule everything and write everything down. I have to or I will loose track of everything. I have two simple rules that maintain balance in my life and my family’s.

1. No studying until my son go to sleep.

2. Spend one full day with my family.

Those are my very simple guidelines. Without them my life would be a mess and everyone in it would be miserable. It is all based on my priorities. My family always comes first. My education comes second. My work comes third. My hobby (blogging of course) come last.

I am going constantly and I have times when I just can’t go anymore. Then I put myself first. I take a day off, sleeping, or go out with my family. Even if it is just for an hour, we all need time for ourselves. It just isn’t healthy not to. I focus on my family and work during the week and work on schoolwork all weekend. I have become the time management queen! Life sounds hectic but I am still one of the calmest and laid back people you may ever meet. I have yet to find much that will upset me or stress me out because I know things always find a way to work out. I have always felt there is a solution to everything and won’t quit until I find one.

Another important key is to stay healthy. Staying healthy helps maintain a healthy mental state. I also try to think positive at all times. I like to keep everyone around me enthusiastic and happy. I love people and am very happy surrounded by my family, friends, and co-workers. All of these simple things get me through each and every day. Sometimes it is hard but I just stay strong and keep my priorities straight.


Because, slowly but surely, I’m getting the hit.

The wake-up call.

The persistent voice that keeps reminding me that “other” people’s problems are no longer “other” people’s problems.

And once you “get it”, believe me, you don’t think the way you did before.

You don’t act the way you did before.

Most of all, you’re not waiting to become your perfectly-actualized self to step up.

You’re just sick and tired of worshiping the problem and ready to be part of the solution.

Sometimes it takes this outrage to remind us that we not only have a choice in whether to play deep or shallow in life, but that life tends to reciprocate by giving us deep or shallow experiences in return.

So I’m putting it out there that, yes, I’m ready to play deeper.

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Muhammad Ammar Hail 2nd birthday today ^_^

Hi All

TODAY is Muhammad Ammar Hail 2nd birthday! Yeyyy!!
❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ 

Happy Birthday to my sweet little man who turns 2 today! My life completely changed forever the moment he took his first breath and now he is an energetic 2 year old boy. Time flies so fast.

Ask any woman to describe the single most painful experience of her life and most mothers won't hesitate to say 'childbirth'.
YES! Childbirth! but It is kind of strange that i do forget the actual pain giving birth to my son. My labor and delivery was easy, only a total of about 5 hours. Muhammad Ammar Hail came out screaming. a healthy cry. I was overjoyed. Alhamdulillah.

being a mother changes everything. I truly have that person that i love so much more than myself.

I cant believe my baby turns 2 today it seems like yesterday i was just holding him in my arms and he was just a little guy..

I miss him being my baby boy........

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

YES! nothing in life is easy.

Hi all..
It's been a very long time I didn't update my blog, by writing this entries hope to gain back my momentum for writing.
BTW how are you? hope we all are doing well. 


How many times have you said, “Easier said than done?” Those words are often uttered after someone offers a suggestion or advice.
“Easier said than done,” as I’ve heard it and even used it, is offered as an excuse; it is a “get out of jail free” card.
After all, you can easily say it but doing it? Well, that’s far more difficult
Everything, I mean EVERY SINGLE THING in life is “easier said than done” until we do it.

Our internal dialogue goes something like this:
Losing weight? Easier said than done! Life changes? Yup, that too. Forgiving? Sounds simple enough, but feels totally impossible. Controlling your thoughts to stop obsessing about things you cannot change? Yeah, no. This is way too hard!

YES! nearly everything you can think of is easier said than done. But just because something is difficult doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

Words are meaningless unless they are backed up with action, EVERYONE knows that.

But, instead, we sit and talk and complain that we’re not happy because of so-and-so. And to change or work on ourselves is easier said than done. Whatever........

There is not one single person I know that has an amazing life that somewhere hasn't taken hard action and worked on themselves. A LOT. And none of them will tell you that it was easy. This life you have is short. Live, love and learn on your terms.

NEWS-FLASH : Everyone is struggle with their life.

While I may not know your exact situation, I’ve been there. I’ve been trapped by excuses, fear, and regret, brushing off my friends’ sage advice because it was just too much work to actually put into practice.
I’ve looked at the Facebook statuses and positive tweets from friends detailing how they got over only to think in my mind, yeah...... but it won’t work for me.

Though I’m certainly not perfect or where I want to be in life, making progress toward the vision I have for myself is 1000 times better than doing NOTHING!

So, what’s it going to be?
Are you going to look your fears and doubts and hang-ups in the face and get to work, or are you going to talk about how easy it all sounds, but never give it a try?
The choice is yours.

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Let It All Out~~!

I’m tired of their lies.
I’m tired of pretending to be happy.
I’m tired of pretending to know what I’m doing.
I’m tired of being so imperfect.


I’m tired of my efforts going unnoticed / unappreciated.
I’m tired of staying awake at night, thinking.
I’m tired of thinking.
I’m tired of trying to figure this out.
I’m tired of faking smiles.
I’m tired of being optimistic.
I’m tired of dreaming.
I’m tired of caring.
I’m tired of being selfless.
I’m tired of doing.
I’m tired of feeling like I’m going crazy.

I’m tired of being different.
I’m tired of being unaccepted.
I’m tired of not being good enough.
I’m tired of not being talented enough.
I’m tired of not being fit enough.
I’m tired of not being funny enough.
I’m tired of not being smart enough.
I’m tired of being a nothing.
I’m tired of being somebody.
I’m tired of being there for everyone.
I’m tired of wearing my heart on my sleeve.
I’m tired of feeling so much.
I’m tired of planning my future.
I’m tired of injustice.
I’m tired of seeing people mistreat their wives, husbands, kids, brothers, parents.
I’m tired of the lack of sympathy and empathy in this world.
I’m tired of the greed.
I’m tired of witnessing how money destroys souls.
I’m tired of exploitation of women.
I’m tired of pretending to be okay with the world.
I’m tired of crawling into my head & staying there.


I’m tired of letting people go because it’s the right thing to do.
I’m tired of holding on to the wrong things because I want it so badly.
I’m tired of going around in circles.
I’m tired of nothing happening when I do my best.
I’m tired of seeing no results when I give my all.
I’m tired of crying buckets every single night.
I’m tired of pretending to be okay.
I’m tired of pretending that I had a good time when I feel worse than I did before.
I’m tired of taking trips down memory lane and regretting it.
I’m tired of being strong for everyone when I wish I could be held once.
I’m tired of having to deal with things that shouldn’t be on my mind.
I’m tired of being trapped in a cage of doubt.
I’m tired of being judged for who I am.
I’m tired of being told I’m too sensitive.
I’m tired of being sensitive.
I’m tired of being angry.
I’m tired of being thrown out by the people most important to me.
I’m tired of feeling that I have to earn everyone’s love.
I’m tired of telling everyone I’m okay when I feel like I might die at any second.
I’m tired of feeling down.
I’m tired of being sober and sane.


I’m tired of making promises I can’t keep.
I’m tired of believing others’ promises they never keep.
I’m tired of people expecting me to be something more.
I’m tired of being seen as super weird.
I’m tired of friends telling me all this will pass and will change, for the better.
I’m tired of being good at things.
I’m tired of being such a complex person.
I’m tired of having to explain myself.
I’m tired of planning.
I’m tired of being paranoid about everything.
I’m tired of not trusting anyone & thinking they all have a hidden motive.


I’m tired of keeping it together, for other people.
I’m tired of not being allowed to have a meltdown – in public.
I’m tired of waiting…
I’m tired of waiting…
I’m tired of waiting…
I’m tired of waiting.. 
I’m tired of being tired. I’m so very tired.